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Introduction to SPSS For Research
SPSS Data Analysis for Research Application (Introductory Level)
Lesson 1: Introduction to Data Analysis, Biostatistics and Scale of Measurement (62:47)
Lesson 2: Understanding the MCT and MD (49:41)
Lesson 3: Hypothesis Testing and Inferential Statistics (30:01)
Lesson 4: Correlation Test (11:41)
Lesson 5: Association test/ Cross-tabulation test (29:07)
Practical 1: Overview of SPSS and Data Entry (45:53)
Practical 2: Data Collection Technique Using Online Method (Free) (43:03)
Practical 3: Data Manipulation and Descriptive Statistics (46:12)
Practical 4: Differences test (t-test) (30:10)
Practical 5: Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA) (41:28)
Practical 6: Correlation (Pearson and Spearman) (27:17)
Practical 7: Chi Square Analysis (58:56)
Practical 8: Introduction to Regression Analysis (16:32)
Practical 9: Scientific Write Up for Research (38:13)
Datasets and Learning Material
Practical 3: Data Manipulation and Descriptive Statistics
5.Introduction to Data Transformation.pdf
5.Introduction to Data Transformation.pdf
6.Normality Test.pdf
6.Normality Test.pdf
7.Introduction to Frequency and Basic Stat.pdf
7.Introduction to Frequency and Basic Stat.pdf
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